Building a Chassis Dolly
Here you can see the chassis dolly. Made from an old pallet that I reinforced and made more bulky. I used left over timbers. Had to buy the castor wheels and they cost about £25 for the set of 4. These wheels are unbraked. Braked wheels would come in at around £89 so I figured I could use a brick as a chock or an actual chock if I make some. Once built, I gave it a coat of black woodstain which will help with any oil and chemicals. I also placed an eyelet at each end to attach a pull-chain to help with manoeuvring it around the workshop. OK, so now why the stencil lettering. Well, I thought it would look cool in the workshop and would help me identify the chassis I am working on to make sure no mistakes are made (Only kidding). It's workshop bling!!!In wood!!
(The lettering paint was household emulsion applied with a stipple brush)
(The lettering paint was household emulsion applied with a stipple brush)